EasyChamber Spacer device is listed as an essential medicine and prescribable via FP10 and available on EMIS, System1 and Vision software. Since the mask is easily detachable, patients can use it with or without mask, saving the cost of prescribing another space device.

    • EasyChamber Spacer costs approximately 20% less than other available anti-static spacers in the UK market.
    • Every year the NHS spends more than £ 12m on inhaler spacers. By switching to EasyChamber, the NHS can save up to £ 2.5m a year just in primary care.1
  • Prescribing EasyChamber Spacer by the brand is the least expensive way of prescribing inhaler spacers for pMDI.
Product EasyChamber® Drug Tariff Price AeroChamber® Plus Flow-Vu Price Saving with EasyChamber Spacer
EasyChamber Spacer(Mouthpiece) £ 3.98 £ 5.22 23.75%
EasyChamber Spacer with Infant Mask £ 6.53 £ 8.72 25.11%
EasyChamber Spacer with Child Mask £ 6.55 £ 8.72 24.88%
EasyChamber Spacer with Adult Mask £ 6.59 £ 8.72 24.42%
Price shown are NHS drug tarrif July-24 prices
AeroChamber is a registered Trademark of Trudell Medical International.
1:NHS PCA Data
  • Maximises the aerosol suspension time and assure a more efficient dose from the MDI with an anti-static chamber
  • Latex-free, anatomical and comfortable silicon mask with variants for Adult, Child & Infant
  • Detachable silicone mask that offers flexibility to use spacer without a mask, if required.
  • The inhalation through cross valves ensures low resistance when breathing in and prevents accidental breathing out into the chamber.
  • Improved drug delivery and ease of use due to one-way inhalation.
  • FlowSignal whistle indicator sounds when breathing in too fast, encourages the patient to breathe slowly.
  • Compact and comes with an outer box for easy storage.
  • The spacer device reduces the velocity of the aerosol and the subsequent impact on the oropharynx, allows more time for evaporation of the propellant so that a larger proportion of the particles can be inhaled and deposited in the lungs.
  • Spacer Chamber improves drug delivery.
  • The spacer device is useful for patients with poor inhalation technique, for children, for patients requiring higher doses of inhaled corticosteroids, for nocturnal asthma, for patients with coordination problems and for patients prone to oral candidiasis with inhaled corticosteroids.1-2

We recognise the importance of the continued supply of branded medicines/devices and are committed to maintaining the highest quality standards, ensuring that stock is available to the NHS across all parts of the UK. Our experienced team have a proven track record of over 15 years supplying medicines and devices to both primary and secondary care organisations across the UK.

We are therefore committed to ensuring sustainable supply. For further information, please contact us at info@trionpharma.co.uk

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